
How We Know Users Are in Charge of Technology

by Jennifer Beever

the new technology userIt’s clear to me that users are in charge when it comes to technology.

It wasn’t always that way. When programmers ruled, we had acronyms. Confusing, unintelligble acronyms. Acronyms so obtuse the technologists often didn’t know what they mean. Acronyms so  bewildering that even the strongest in the user community were cowed and didn’t dare ask what they meant.

We had MIPS and ANSI, GUI and ODBC, LAN and ASCII, BIOS and DOS.

Now we have Twitter and Facebook, Google and YouTube, Skype and Yahoo, PhotoShop and iTunes.

Now it’s all fun. Now the applications and languages all seem so usable and approachable.

The users are in charge.



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December 11, 2011 at 2:04 am

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