A large percentage of your email recipients will open your email on their mobile device. Here’s one critical thing you need to do to make sure they read it!
Many businesses missed Google’s algorithm change that requires your website be responsive in order to rank well on searches. If you missed it and want to know more, read my previous post, Google Mobilegeddon: Don’t Panic, Here’s What You Need to Know.
Responsive design also applies to your marketing emails. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of having to resize emails on my phone in order to read them (and/or get out my reading glasses!). Your email recipients should no longer have to squeeze, scroll and swipe to manually increase the font size of your email and struggle to read it on their mobile device.
For an example, look at the email images below. Note that the one on the left appears with large font and one column that makes it easy to read. The other requires some adjustment to even begin to understand what the email is about.
How do you make your email responsive if you don’t know how to program?
The easiest way to make your emails responsive is to use one of the many email utilities and select an email template that was designed to be responsive.
Mail Chimp is one of the newest email utilities with very easy-to-use templates. Read their instructions for choosing a responsive design here.
Constant Contact was one of the first email utilities, and if you choose a template that is “mobile-friendly,” it should display well across devices. Get instructions and a screen shot on how to do this here.
There are many other email programs, and I have to believe they’ve added responsive templates to their platforms. If you know of some that are responsive, please let us know in the comments below. I did not do an exhaustive review of this feature across all email programs. Just make sure you test your email by sending it to yourself and some people you work with and make sure the responsive template is working.
Do you want help getting better results from your email marketing? Contact New Incite today. In our eighteen years in business we’ve helped hundreds of companies improve marketing and their results.
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