Traditional outbound marketing (advertising, direct mail, email) still works. But, as Copyblogger indicates in the above graphic (thanks, Copyblogger!), it is more expensive. You can use traditional marketing to generate leads, but it is probably more cost-effectively used to build brand awareness or build loyalty after the initial lead generation. Why? With inbound marketing, prospects self-select themselves. They want what you have, and if they can find you online, they ask for it. Once you have qualified leads, then spend the money on traditional marketing to stay in front of them, building brand awareness and loyalty.
Integrating inbound marketing that includes content marketing and social media with traditional marketing is the best approach. As my colleague Caryn Goldsmith comments in my blog post Why B2B Marketers Should Drink the Inbound Marketing Kool-Aid, “While [traditional] outbound marketing is important for brand awareness and helping to establish brand preferences, if the marketer forgets to be there when a sale is most likely, they’ll lose market share.” Traditional marketing alone no longer works. You’ve got to be where the buyers are. Online.
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Here are some traditional marketing positives that are not addressed in this very informative blog post. We agree – traditional marketing is a component to still incorporate into your marketing strategy!
Thank you for the comment. I like how you added a 5th “P” – people – to the traditional 4 P’s of marketing (product, price, place, promotion). But before people can “push” your content, products and services, You need to “pull” them to your site with valuable content shared on the social media and other platforms. It’s a “pull” – “push” system now!