Are you getting too many emails or text messages from others’ sharing on social media sites? Here is how you can control them. (Note the link to a useful social media notification tool at the bottom of this post.)
One of my friends signed up for Twitter, followed me and forgot about it. She mentioned from time to time that she saw my activity, but Saturday she reached her limit. I shared several article links on Twitter ( as I was curating content on www.Scoop.It. These resulted in several separate text messages sent to my friend’s phone. In a phone conversation when she told me what the messages said, I knew they had come from Twitter. My friend had forgotten she had a Twitter account! Now she could understand why she kept getting messages from several different sources, including me. She shut down her Twitter account.
Each social media platform has setttings or preferences that allows you to limit or control how you receive notifications (email, text messages to your phone, etc.) and how frequently you get notifications. For example, on LinkedIn you can get a weekly email digest of comments from discussion groups, individual emails per discussion, or no email. Facebook has intricate settings, even allowing you to receive notifications when friends “tag” you in photos. For the most part, I have set my preferences to receive as few emails as possible from my social networks. I choose instead to visit each social network on a regular basis and check for activity and messages.
While researching this topic I found a great tool at I tried the links to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter, and they all went directly to my notifications settings or preferences pages on the sites. The tool has links to several other social media sites, such as Google+, Pinterest, YouTube and more. This appears to be a handy tool to help those of use who don’t always remember what social media sites we signed up for and how to set notification preferences. was created by Ben Lang and Tim Kendall. I found it from a link on John L. Jones Tech Tools 4 Us blog post, Too Many Social Network Emails?