When you create a company page on Facebook, you create an instant emotional connection with customers, prospects, employees and website visitors. Why? Because those who spend time on Facebook either like or love the brand. And today over 750 million people spend time on Facebook.
The largest group on Facebook are from 18 to 34 in age. For all ages, but especially if you have any customers and employees who are 18-34 in age, Facebook can be a cost-effective way to create awareness of your brand, market your products and services, provide customer service, and increase customer and employee loyalty, engagement and retention.
A Facebook company page is free and can be set up within hours. I recommend that you invest in custom graphics for your page that integrate with your website and other marketing materials. Facebook pages can be customized with special messages or offers for first-time visitors versus information for followers. For a great resource on customizing your Facebook page, see Tamar Weinberg’s article on her Techipedia website.
You can automate some of the content that is posted to the wall so that you don’t have to invest a lot of time in posting information. You can spend under half an hour a week to maintain your Facebook page. You can set up your press releases, videos, photos, blog entries and other content feed directly to your page. Other updates can manually-entered include product, customer, company, trade show, conference and employee announcements. See my previous post, 8 Content Ideas for Your B2B Facebook Page Posts, for more ideas.
So, what are you waiting for? Get into the twenty-first century and get on Facebook! (If you don’t, your employees may, and chances are the page they create will be unbranded. In addition, if your competitors have Facebook pages, you should be there.)
Photo on Flickr. Some rights reserved by InfoMofo