
B2B Marketers: If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail

by Jennifer Beever

One Page Marketing Plan

So I’m going to say it again. If you want your marketing to work, you have to first plan it, and then you have to execute the plan. Simple, right?

You’d be surprised how many businesses fail to write a marketing plan. Or, if they write one or hire someone to write it, they end up putting on a shelf or in a drawer, never to be read or acted upon.

Now marketing plans are even more important, because there are more moving parts. There are umpteen social media platforms to set up and activate. There is content marketing that attracts your target audience.

So here is a roadmap for a successful marketing plan.

1. Analyze your customers, markets and competition.

2. Come up with a marketing strategy.

3. Write a marketing plan.

4. Calendar and conduct regular marketing meetings where you hold people accountable for the tasks in your marketing plan.

5. Measure results, improve the plan and repeat.

It’s not rocket science, but most businesses fall down in the execution. I don’t care if your written marketing plan is on a cocktail napkin. Now it’s time to make it happen!

By the way, I created a One Page Marketing Plan spreadsheet that is easy to use and allows you to view your marketing task in one document. Feel free to download it from the link at the bottom of this post.

Do you need help planning your marketing? Executing to the plan and managing the marketing projects? Contact New Incite today. We are your outsource B2B marketing resource!


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kuria August 16, 2015 at 3:36 am

good site

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