If you’re puzzling over why you no longer see posts by others directly on your Facebook company page, puzzle no more. Facebook simply made yet another change that affects the way we manage pages.
This issue has not come up that much for my clients. Most are business-to-business (B2B), and some set up their Facebook pages in a very controlled fashion: they are the only ones that can post on their page. But, for pages that want to both allow and show posts by those who “Like” the page, you now need to go to the new box that appears on the side of your page, called “Recent Posts by Others” to manage the posts. Hover with your mouse over a post and, when the “x” appears in the right corner of the post, click on it. (Note that when you hover over it, it may display the word “Remove,” but click on it anyway, because first a drop down menu appears with other options – see the image above.) Select “Allowed on Page” so that the post shows in your timeline. You can also highlight certain posts on your page or delete inappropriate ones.
While this is a change from the way it worked before, I think that this change is a good one. It forces page owners to manage posts and selectively allow posts to display on their page. Before this change, all posts showed up, requiring page owners to constantly monitor for spam and appropriateness. This very “lack of control” with the way it worked before may have been one of the many things preventing businesses from using Facebook.
I found some helpful blog posts when researching this issue:
- How To Display Posts By “Others” On Your Facebook Page by Frithjof Petscheleit, Tweet4OK- provides easy-to-watch video.
- Facebook Recent Posts by Others Overview, a Jacob Curtis tutorial – this has a good explanation of all the options on the drop down menu.
- How to Integrate “Recent Posts by Others” with Your Facebook Timeline by Stikky Media – this is a good post – love the sarcasm!
Just remember, when it comes to Facebook, repeat after me, “Change is good. Change is good. Change is good.”
Do you need help setting up, managing, or writing messages for your social media, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? New Incite provides set-up, training, consulting and on-going execution services for social media. Contact us today about our social media services.
{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
Hey, Jennifer! Thanks for linking out to my site! Excellent round-up here! Cheers!
You are quite welcome! Thanks for your how-to post.
what if the “post by others” is by another page? Posts by pages never appear amongst “recent posts by others” so I can’t even allow them or not. I have tried amngst my own pages and from my pages to other pages, it just doesn’t work. have you ever encountered a case such as this?
Hi Alisha, I have not encountered a problem where a post from another page doesn’t appear for approval. I Googled the issue and didn’t see much helpful information. Good luck!
I’m coming across an issue where new posts by others aren’t appearing at all in the side area for even the page administrator to see. The biz page is tagged but nothing shows up. All appropriate items are checked so they would. Googled and hearing that it’s glitchy and random but that doesn’t seem to make total sense. Have you experienced this? With thanks!
I haven’t seen this problem. I know sometimes I confuse myself and comment on my company page as Jen Beever and sometimes as New Incite. As far as I can tell, all comments show on my page – https://www.facebook.com/NewInciteMarketingConsulting
Still cannot get any of my crafters post to show up. I was unable to locate the “Recent Post by Others” box. I had it set to approve each message but for the life of me couldn’t find how to get the crafters post on the page that way either. WHAT A MESS!