
Jennifer Beever Receives Inbound Marketing Professional Certification

Press Contact:
Jennifer Beever
CMO for Hire
New Incite
818-347-4248 (work cell)

Woodland Hills, CaliforniaJanuary 13, 2010 — Today Marketing Consultant Jennifer Beever received the Inbound Marketing Certified Professional designation from the Inbound Marketing University, sponsored by HubSpot International. The Inbound Marketing Certification acknowledges the recipient’s proficiency in Inbound Marketing principals and best practices. These principles include: blogging, social media, lead conversion, lead nurturing, and closed-loop analysis.

According to Jennifer Beever, “At New Incite we’ve been doing search engine optimization, email marketing and web development since 1998. In the last twelve months the momentum of social media adoption has led forward-thinking marketers to change from traditional ‘push’ marketing to ‘pull’ or inbound marketing. Inbound marketing attracts prospective customers with credible online content and then nurtures them until they convert to customers or clients. Thanks to HubSpot International for sponsoring the certification, a unique recognition of an emerging body of knowledge that marketing professionals need to know.”

Inbound marketing is a style of marketing that focuses on getting found by customers, instead of the traditional, intrusion or interruption marketing where companies focus on acquiring customers through advertising. The certification requires a detailed understanding of email marketing, basic and advanced search engine optimization, PR, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogging, lead nurturing, conversion and inbound marketing analysis. Inbound Marketing is an online community created by HubSpot International. HubSpot was founded in 2006 by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah and is based in Cambridge, MA. HubSpot offers small to mid-size businesses the first inbound marketing system that lets users take advantage of the changing nature of how products are bought and sold.

New Incite is a marketing consultancy that offers Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Services for Hire. It was founded by Jennifer Beever in 1997 in Woodland Hills, CA. New Incite services include B2B marketing analysis and planning, implementation of marketing plans and analysis of results for businesses. New Incite works cross industry, with a particular focus on technology, manufacturing and green companies.

For more information about inbound marketing, Jennifer Beever, New Incite or its outsource CMO services, visit www.newincite.com or contact Jennifer Beever by email at jenb@newincite.com or by calling 818-347-4248.